Privacy & Policy


San Marino Mail Italia S.r.l. with registered office in Milan (MI), Via Carlo Farini, n. 81, 20159 would like to provide you with some information, fulfilling the obligations set out in art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 on the processing of your personal data (hereinafter “Controller”).

Purposes of processing
The purposes of processing your personal data concern:
1. Managing requests for information received from the user;
2. With your consent, direct marketing activities to inform you of the Controller’s initiatives, products and services by post, email, telephone or SMS;
3. Internal statistical analysis.

Processing methods
Your personal data are data that identify you (first name and surname, email address, etc.). The Controller collects data through its website, when forms on the website or forms issued at trade fairs and events are filled in, and/or by the user voluntarily sending an email to the address referred to on the website pages.
Your personal data will be processed on paper and/or using IT systems.
In any case, data processing occurs in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of data, by adopting the measures provided for in article 32 of the Regulation in order to preserve the integrity of the data being processed and to prevent access to the data same by unauthorised parties.

Duration of processing
Data will be processed in full compliance with the principles of confidentiality, correctness, necessity, relevance, lawfulness and transparency laid down by the Regulation and for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data have been collected. Regarding managing requests for information from the user, your personal data will be processed for the time strictly necessary to process your requests and for any further period required by law.
For marketing purposes, your data will be kept for as long as you are interested in our messages and in any case no longer than 24 months.
The processing of personal data for statistical purposes is compatible with the various purposes for which the data have been previously collected or processed and may also be carried out beyond the period necessary for these other purposes.

Nature of the provision of data
The provision of your personal data for requests for information via specific forms or email addresses on the website is optional. However, failure to provide data will not permit the Controller to process your requests for information or services. Consent to the processing of your data for marketing purposes is optional, if data are not provided, you cannot be informed of the Controller’s initiatives, products and services.

Controller and Processors
The Controller is San Marino Mail Italia S.r.l. with headquarters in Milan (MI), Via Carlo Farini, n. 81, 20159.
Within the scope of its activity and for the purposes indicated above, the Controller may make use of services provided by Data Processors or by third parties operating on behalf of the Controller and according to its instructions, as external Data Processors. These are parties that provide the Controller with processing or instrumental services (e.g. services for system management, etc.). You may request a complete and updated list of the parties appointed as Data Processors by writing to the Controller’s address.

Scope of communication and disclosure of data
Your personal data will not be communicated in EU countries or abroad.
Your personal data will not be disclosed.

Rights of data subjects
To exercise the rights provided by art. 15 et seq. of EU Regulation 679/2016 including the right to know, at any time, what your data in our possession are and how they are used, to have them updated, integrated, rectified or cancelled, to request their blocking, portability and to object in whole or in part to their processing, or to withdraw your consent, if given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before withdrawal, you can contact the Controller at the address of the registered office in Milan (MI), Via Carlo Farini, n.81, 20159, or by calling + (39) -02.66227799 or by sending an email to
If you find that your rights have been violated, you can contact the relevant supervisory authority pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR, with the option of applying directly to judicial authorities remaining unaffected.